Dr sport in the starting blocks with Dagobert

Dr sport in the starting blocks with Dagobert

Resulting from a call for bids, Dr sport has chosen Dagobert to boost its digital strategy. The all athlete app, offering professional counselling following a sport injury, wishes to solidify its already strong community by increasing the number of application installs.

Dagobert first started to work on the brand identity in order to clarify the selling argument, create a new graphic identity and unify public stances.

The agency optimised the consumer path and multiplied contact points between athletes and the app by developing a conversational BOT. It allows the consumer to get a free professional diagnostic for their injury and encourages them to download the app and discover other features.

In a desire to over personalise the user experience, Dagobert developed landing pages showcasing the diversity in sport practice. They also imagined different media strategy/ levers in order to better identify and reach athletes.

Campaign was launched in mid-July.